
Pretty as a picture: chapter 1

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“You want me to kill her?” Angel questioned as his gaze drifted from the axe in his hand to the small blond girl that was tied up and lay before him.


“Strike quickly and true, Angel, then we can eat.” Landok said from his place in the crowd.


Angel was standing on a platform in the middle of the village’s square, where he was first treated as a hero. Everyone gathered to hear his stories about the demons he killed.


Then they brought her in, the most beautiful woman Angel had ever seen. She was covered with dirt and still Angel thought she was beautiful.


“Kill her!” A few demons yelled. They were growing more impatient by the second and Angel knew he had to do something fast.


“No please don’t.” The girl whispered. Tears were streaming down her face.


Angel grabbed the girl and pushed her behind him holding her protectively with one arm as he used the other the point the ax at the demons trying to keep them at bay.


As the angry crowd gathered around them all Angel could do was pray he would be able to escape safely with the girl.


“Stop!..........In the name of love” Lorene’s voice sounded as he started to sing.


The demons screamed and grabbed their heads.

Music was not something they had ever heard before.


“…….Before you break my heart” Lorne continued to sing.


Angel ran towards the only way to escape: a few horses that were standing nearby.

Pulling the confused and terrified girl behind him.


Lorne took Angel’s former place on the platform enjoying every scream the demons made as he continued to sing.


"What strange sorcery is this?" Landok screamed before falling to the ground using his hands to cover his ears.


Angel quickly mounted one of the horses pulling the girl up behind him.

He turned the horse around a rode off. Followed by a few palace guards who rode after him trying to kick him off his horse.


Angel simply grabbed one of the guards by his arm and pulled him of the horse instead.

The other guards were too far away to stop him anyway.


He rode as far from the village as possible before stopping.


“I think we lost them…” he said as he looked behind to see if the guards were still following them.


Angel lifted the girl of the horse and for the first time he looked into her beautiful green eyes.


“Are you alright?” He asked her.


“You saved me.” was all the girl managed to say.


“What’s you’re name?” Angel gently asked. He didn’t know how long the girl had been in this dimension but from the looks of it she’d been here pretty long.


The Girl laughed nervously before she suddenly turned around and ran towards a small rock formation.


“Wait!” Angel yelled before running of after her.


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“That Angel cow ruins my plans!” Constable Narwek complained.


“Shall we kill his friends?” the red-faced demon Silas asked.


“No, not yet but we shall send out a warning to him.” Narwek replied.


Silas smiled. “Bring Krevlorneswath to the mutilation chamber!” he yelled.


“I shall take him there, you have to visit the princess and prepare her for the arrival of the groosalug.” Narwek said as he walked passed Silas.


“The Angel cow shall soon be put down! I’ll see to that!” Silas called after Narwek.



To be continued.




Disclaimer: i don't own Buffy the vampire slayer/Angel the series and nothing is mine and i do not make any profit with this site