
Pretty as a picture: chapter 3

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You’re majesty, the groosalug has arrived.” Silas said as he bowed before Cordelia’s throne.


“Wouldn’t it be much more exciting if I weren’t here when he enters?” Cordelia said while standing up. Before she had a chance to leave the room she was pushed back down in her thrown by Silas.


“Let the groosalug enter!” Silas barked to one of the cows.


Cordelia held her breath and was about to faint when she saw an ugly looking beast shuffle in.

The beast had a sack slung over its shoulder.


“Oh god kill me now!” Corldelia screamed. She had a pretty good idea what Com-shuk meant but there was no way in hell she was Com-shukking with this beast!


But to her surprise the ugly beast was followed by the most handsome man she had ever seen.

The man said something to the beast and then walked forward to Cordelia.


“Majesty.” The man said while kissing her hand.


“Oh.” was all Cordelia managed to say. All of the sudden she didn’t mind that she had to Com-shuk.


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In the meantime Wesley and Gunn had managed to make their way out off the castle.


“I don’t feel right about leaving Cordy.” Gunn said while following Wesley through some bushes.


“She said it herself we need to find Angel. Besides I think she’ll manage until we get back.” Wesley replied not knowing how right he was.


“So were do we start looking?” Gunn asked not seeing any possible way they could find Angel in a dimension they knew nothing about.


They were now far away from the castle. The bushes were replaced by an open field with some trees.


“Over there.” Wesley answered while pointing at a cloud of grey smoke coming from the distance.


“Campfire.” Gunn stated while looking at the smoke that reached high into the sky.


“I hope there are people there that are willing to help us.” Wesley said praying they wouldn’t run into any palace guards.


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Angel followed Buffy through the woods; the trees were almost as big as the skyscrapers in Los Angeles.


“Were are we?” Angel asked while looking at a three he was sure they passed before.


“Not even near the castle yet.” Buffy whispered. She’d much rather turn around and run back to the cave, but she promised to lead the Angel from heaven to the castle.


Suddenly Angel’s vampire hearing picked up the sound of horses coming their way.

Without losing another second he grabbed Buffy and pulled her behind some bushes.


“Listen whatever you’re about to see were still friends.” Angel told Buffy.


Buffy looked confused but nodded.


When two horses with palace guards came by Angel jumped out from behind the bushes and pulled one of the guards from his horse. The other guard stopped when he noticed something was wrong and immediately turned his horse around.


Angel punched the first guard in the face and turned around to face the second one. The second guard drew his sword and rode past Angel at full speed stabbing Angel in the stomach during the progress.


Then it happened: Angel growled but instead of morphing to his vamp face his whole face turned green and bumpy, framed by some almost horn-like protrusions, while his hands turned into claws.


The monster that was once Angel pulled the second guard of his horse and lashed out with his claws tearing through the guard’s stomach. Angel turned around to face the first guard grabbing him by the throat he literally ripped the guard’s throat out.


Buffy who was about to jump in and help Angel froze on the spot when she saw his face change. She watched the new...monster? Kill the two guards by tearing them to shreds.


After that the formerly Angel monster slowly made his way towards Buffy who was close to screaming with fear. Suddenly the Angel monster lifted his head and sniffed, after one growl towards Buffy he jumped behind the trees and moved out of sight.


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“Remind me to never listen to you’re ideas again.” Gunn sarcastically said while trying to break free of the rope holding his hands on his back.


Shortly after they left the bushes they were attack and outnumbered by a group of humans

With weapons and no collars around there necks.


I took Wesley only a few seconds to find out that these humans were rebellions fighting against the Evil beings that tried to change the humans into slaves.


The rebellions paid now attention to Wesley’s attempt to explain himself and Gunn didn’t say a word but kept shooting Wesley evil glares.


“How was I supposed to know this would happen.” Wesley replied.


A few of the rebels came towards them.


“We’re from the castle.” Wesley tried again.


This statement only seemed to make things worse.


“We shall send a massage back to the castle!” The man who seemed to be the leader yelled.


The rebels drew they’re sword and threattingly moved forward.


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Buffy was still sitting behind the bushes dealing with what just happened.


It’s my fault, everyone that comes near me turns into a monster.” Buffy thought while wiping the tears from her eyes.


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Cordelia looked dreamingly at the handsome man before her not really listening to anything he was saying.


She had forgotten about her mission to find Angel. She had forgotten about everything else beside the groosalug.




To be continued.




Disclaimer: i don't own Buffy the vampire slayer/Angel the series and nothing is mine and i do not make any profit with this site