
Pretty as a picture: chapter 5

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*A/n: as much as I love the guy Gunn has proven to be a very hard character to write I guess I’m not the only one having trouble with this so sorry if I don’t write Gunn the way he should be. But I’m trying my best*


Chapter 5


Cordelia gasped in shock, which she quickly managed to change into a look of satisfaction.


The look on Cordelia’s face seemed to please Silas he waved his hands and immediately all the cows fled the room.


“We shall leave you alone now my princess.” Silas said. And with one last bow he too disappeared.


“God Lorne what did they do to you?!” Cordelia cried.


Lorne’s eyes suddenly opened. “What does it look like?,!!” Lorne said.


“aaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!” Cordelia screamed from the top of her lungs not understanding what just happened.


“Please stop!!! It’s not like I can cover my ears!!!!” Lorne yelled at Cordelia.


When Silas heard the noise he stormed back inside. “Your majesty is everything alright?” he asked his voice filled with fake concern.


“I….I’m fine. I thought I saw a spider….I was wrong.” Cordelia managed to say.

Her mind was racing but telling Silas about Lorne still being alive wasn’t going to make things better.


Silas eyed Cordelia suspiciously. “Let me take the traitors head.” Silas offered.


“No! I want to...uhh...keep the traitors head as a…..reminder of what we do with traitors.” Cordelia thought up as fast as she could.


“As you wish you’re majesty.” Silas said before disappearing once more.


“Are you alright?” Cordelia asked Lorne as soon as Silas was gone.


“What do you think?!” Lorne yelled back at her.


“You are really in one bad mood for a decapitated and still alive demon.” Cordelia replied.


“My clan cannot be killed unless our bodies are to heavily damaged.” Lorne explained.


“We should find your body before something happens to it.” Cordelia stated while grabbing the silver platter with Lorne’s head.


“Last place I remember having my body was in the mutilation chamber.” Lorne replied.


“Boy that really sounds like a nice place to be decapitated.” Cordelia sarcastically replied before carefully slipping out of the royal chamber and starting to walk down a long hallway with surprisingly few guards. 




“What?! No way!” Gunn exclaimed in disbelief.


“It’s true, I saw a tattoo on the creature’s shoulder similar to the one Angel has.” Wesley said.


Wesley had taken Gunn aside from the other rebels and they where now standing near a huge tree in the middle of the grassy field.


“That doesn’t mean it was Angel right? I mean there could be….oh.” Gunn stopped when realization hit him. Obviously Angel was the only one with a tattoo like that, especially in a demon dimension. 


“I suppose there’s a good reason for his…appearance.” Wesley said. The only time Angel attacked humans was when he had become his evil demon half Angelus, but Wesley didn’t remember Angelus looking Green with spikes and claws.


“Which is?” Gunn asked as the slowly started to make their way back to the rebels who where waiting a little further down the road.


“Well I suppose that because Angel is able to walk in the Sun and casts a reflection in this dimension his demon has changed as well.” Wesley reasoned. 


“So what we just saw was…” Gunn started unable to say anything else.


“Angel’s demon in its purest form.” Wesley finished.


They looked at each other each lost in thoughts not knowing how to react to this situation.


“That is nasty.” Gunn finally said in a failed attempted to break the tension.


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Fred ran towards Buffy’s cave and didn’t stop until she was inside.


Buffy came from the shadows holding a bowl of water


“He’s coming” Fred said while washing the blood of her hands.


“W…what do w..e do now?” Buffy asked still stuttering she hadn’t spoken for so long it was hard to learn it again.


Fred said nothing she grabbed Buffy and pulled her behind some animal furs that where lying on a heap in a corner of the cave.


For a few moments they heard nothing but then suddenly a roar came from outside the cave and The Angel monster entered.


The Angel monster sniffed and turned towards the fur heap.


Buffy was about to leave their hiding place and run for her life when she was pulled back by Fred who stood up instead of her.


When the Angel beast saw her he growled and prepared to jump her.


But Fred was too quick she held something in her hand and threw it in the pool of water that separated her from the Angel beast.


The water coloured red and the Angel beast sniffed again before bending over to look in the pool.


The Angel beast roared as if not understanding what he saw in the water and with a loud moan the beast slowly morphed back into the handsome souled vampire Angel who immediately collapsed on the ground shivering and shaking.


To be continued.



Disclaimer: i don't own Buffy the vampire slayer/Angel the series and nothing is mine and i do not make any profit with this site